The Sacramento band Tesla performed to the hometown crowd last night at Memorial Auditorium and thanks to gal pal Anna Marie I was equipped with a photo pass, which took me to the photo pit and solid photo access– for the first three songs. Such has become the protocol for nearly every arena show and I think it is bogus.. however, it certainly makes it easier to shoot when you don’t have to fight the crowd so I’ll get over it!
This is a view from the balcony during the last song or two of the show. I took the artsy path on this one because it has such an odd feel to it anyway. Each of the band members seem to be in their own little world. The crowd was in heaven.Frank Hannon wails on the guitar… but Tommy, Dude! Didn’t they tell ya? No smoking indoors!
And what would event coverage by me ever be without this– Yup, me and the lead singer…
Brian Wheat, the king of Tesla, sits back during the after show meet and greet and kindly autographs this woman’s breast. Word is that this is one of the perks of being a bonafide rock star! Brian was so nonchalant about it I guess it really does happen all the time… I’m told that one band member refused her.
Oh, and happy birthday to Chris, the guy on the left of Brian.
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I just had a really strange experience. I have the Zone (radio station) on and was just reading your Tesla installment and they were playing Tesla on the radio at the same time – weird…