mamasprideMeet Kimberly and Tiffany, the twin sisters from the group Mama’s Pride at Empire last night hanging with the guitarist from Flaw and another unidentifiable but friendly guy.
The great news is that Mama’s Pride just released their new CD, in stores very soon! I can’t wait– it’s all my photography on the cover, the disk and sleeve. When we did the photo shoot we played the CD over and over. Their CD release party is September 4th at The Blue Lamp. Check it out, buy one, support our local musicians!
Originally uploaded by Charrmer.
Hey, checkin out the blog like ya said I should…what are you shooting with?? I think I would die at most of these shows you have pics from!! haha. I do much MUCH more tame concerts…makes it fun though…cause then I dont’ have to have like special pass I can be part of the crowd AND the promoter’s photographer at the same time. =D and not worry about my precious getting killed.(btw..how’d ya find my blog? hehe =))www.againstthegrainphotography.com