My original pen and ink drawing, photographed and brought into Adobe Photoshop to do the coloring and graphic treatments.
Inspiration. Where does it come from? Who knows! But then there it is. Maybe one can pinpoint the time or the thing that sparked it but it’s still such a mystery to me. Why ask why really because you know what, it simply feels so good. I love being inspired. It’s a lifelong pleasure.
Funny, I was thinking about my dad a few days ago and how he’d say he falls in love everyday. True, I’d seen it happen time and time again. Someone would walk by and he was entranced, “in love”. It may sound kinda weird but I know that feeling too, I’ve experienced it. Maybe you have too, have you? Seeing someone or something so unimaginably exquisite that you simply want to stare and wander in a room full of dreamy imaginings that can’t even be expressed or defined in words. It always moves me to create. And it moved my dad that way too. He was a wonderful and prolific writer and photographer who taught me so much.
So as I continued to think about being “in love” I know it’s really about being inspired. A feeling that comes over you, me, whoever and we lose our breath for a fraction of a second and we ponder that thing, which has whisked us away to some invisible place where creativity and possibility lives. The dreaminess breathes and expands and if we have the time and the tenacity we can use the tools at hand to wander to a new place that never previously existed where art in some magical form is created.
Waxing on I go. 🙂
So, today I found myself on Facebook and someone had posted a one line drawing, something I adore and started doing in High School so long ago. Whiz Bang! I was off, searching my computer for one of my own drawings probably done several years ago and immediately went to work in Photoshop— cropping, colorizing, adding texture, gradients, color combinations— until I could finally stop, call it complete, and look at it as a viewer, no longer inside the thing— but now outside looking at it. It only took a few minutes. Sometimes what makes the difference is allowing yourself to be inspired and to take action. Bake a cake, put a braid in your hair, play the guitar, draw a picture, arrange flowers, write prose, allow the muse…
That was fun! Yes, whisked away.