Here are two brand new digital paintings created over the last couple of days from cell phone images I shot at the 2014 California State Fair in the Fur & Feathers exhibit. The animals are always are so amazing and I was especially struck by these two beauties– a rooster and a bantam. Seems like there is great potential for art everywhere I look and even if I don’t have my pro camera with me I know I can capture and create something anytime and anywhere! You can see the before and afters in the image here.

Creating digital art is a realm I am completely passionate about. It’s so great to see someone of David Hockney’s caliber making art on his iPad! Hockney is a world renown artist from Great Britain and his influence is felt all over the art world. Early on he started making art using apps on his iPhone and iPad. Personally, I love seeing such an important artist embracing the digital art realm and breathing life into this fresh corner of the world of art this way. In a recent article he was asked where he saw the art world going. He said “I don’t know where it’s going, really, who does? But art will be there.” Yes, and art always has been there since the beginning of man– we humans have always sought ways to create.
So, it makes me think. Art is expression and no matter the medium it’s an expression that speaks, often loudly. From practical invention to object of joy.
I love an original one of a kind piece of art. But even more I love the minds eye that speaks through an artist. iPad, napkin, scratch paper, recording, oil, pastel, clay, word, marble, sound, food… Does the medium really matter? Art makes you feel. No matter the vehicle used to express the singular point of view the artist speaks, reveals, sings– in their own unique voice.
Art is something that never previously existed and now because a creative soul pushed past fear or hesitation, confusion, rapture, spirit or joy and brought an idea to life. That intangible, now captured in some form, exists.
To the brave creative souls of this world– I thank you for I have been moved by you.
You can read more about artist David Hockney in two separate and really interesting articles– One on Huffington Post and the others the NYT blog.
If you’re interested in learning more about creating art with apps I’m teaching a workshop about it — creating art on the iPad and iPhone called The iPad Artist. You can learn more about it HERE and sign up too! For the first five people who do sign up I’m cutting the price in half! Be one of the first five and join this amazing digital realm of art at your fingertips– whenever, wherever inspiration strikes! SIGN UP!