I’d like to Introduce myself again via this blog. I’m taking on a 30-day challenge and here we go! This is a bit of a stream of consciousness…
I’m a professional photographer and an artist with plenty of interests, which include making art and rad digital images, crafting, I have the perfect husband for me, I love raspberries and cream, whistling, Words with Friends, doodling on metal, sewing, movies and BBC anything, marbling on paper, making the kitties purr and my iPhone. Not necessarily in that order and certainly not everything but you get the idea. I’m creatively influenced on a pretty constant basis and often text myself with ideas and inspirations with words and pictures. When I say inspiration is everywhere I mean it! Just look from where you stand and it’s right there!

Self Portrait made in the car with my iPhone. Check out my earrings! Old flash bulbs from waaaaaay back in the day.
So, speaking of inspiration— I use my phone to collect it most of the time so my cell phone has become a (visual) diary of sorts and I love making movies just for the joy of it too. And I work a lot. Like A LOT! Probably because I am self-employed— photography, art, teaching— I think about business all the time and am always up to something. I occasionally joke that my profession is juggler. I work late too— I just have a lot of ideas and I guess I enjoy my work!
I’m just about to become a published author— I’ll have a chapter in a book very soon and that’s brand new info. I haven’t even told more than four people about that yet so woo hoo, you’re nearly the first to know. Of course there’s loads more to say about that be we shall save it for another post.
Lately, I have become, even more than usual, obsessed with my iPhone because not only is it fun but I love it so much I want to share with anyone who wants to learn all the crazy cool things I can do with it. It’s rarely ever two feet from me. I remember when I first got mine. I think it took me two weeks to get used to it but they were so new to the world! I’ve been an Apple enthusiast from the early days and have never switched either. I even stood arms length away from Steve Jobs while on a photo job once and even as he stood patiently looking deeply into my eyes expecting me to say something I was struck completely silent. I could not utter a single word. This was only one of two times that has ever happened to me- I’m a pretty chatty person! Email me if you want to know the story of the only other time it happened… 🙂
OK, back to the iPhone– I was the very first person I know to even have one. It was a strange thing at first but once I got the hang of it– wow. It was several generations later before I even shot photos with it though– I think at first with the iPhone 3–when I shot a Def Leppard concert in 2007 with it and those photos were not bad at all! Of course it helped that I was stageside. But luckily as the camera has progressed, the pictures have improved and so has my passion for it. So much so that I’ve created classes about using it for photos and videos happening in September! If it sounds like something you are interested in you can find out more— Click Here!
That’s all for now folks! Stay tuned for more of the All About Charr series of posts coming atcha. 🙂 #30dayblogrockstar