This is a virtual classroom format allowing you the ultimate in ease and convenience since you’ll be attending right from your own computer anywhere you wish to be. During each class we will be connecting live with an interractive component that allows screensharing and recording. You will be provided with a recording of each class session so you can refer back and replay anytime you need a refresher. The course also includes homework assignments, critiques, feedback and discussions on the companion website specific to this class.
Do you want to create your own custom cards or materials using your own pictures or graphics? You can.
Are you tired of the same templates and common imagery used by the big box photo printers? This class is the solution.
Did you know you can do extraordinary layout and designing right in Photoshop? You don’t even need to be a photographer to create wondrous materials for personal, business use, marketing or even the perfect holiday or birthday card for those special people in your life. Let Charr show you how magically simple and fun it is!
This six session course has been created to teach you how to develop your own original layouts using Adobe Photoshop. If you have experience with the basics of Photoshop this wonderful course will work for you. Whether you are printing holiday or birthday cards, posting memes online or wanting to create your own business and marketing materials you’ll get tons out of this super fun imaginative course. This course is broken into six parts to make it easier to learn, to practice and retain all the rich information you’ll be receiving in this really powerful hands-on class. You’ll experience and discover many wonderful new ways you can customize your photographs or imagery of any kind. (If you don’t know Photoshop yet take Charr’s Photoshop Crash Course. It will prepare you perfectly for this class.)
WHO IS THE GRAPHIC DESIGN LAYOUT COURSE FOR? If you have a basic working knowledge of Photoshop you’re ready for this workshop, which has been developed specifically for Photoshop users who want to learn the fundamentals of graphic design and putting together multiple items using layers in an image file– like text, simple graphics, posters and clip art for examples. By the end of this class you’ll walk out with a firm grasp of the basics you need to know and be able to apply them immediately. Mac or PC welcome!
- Do you want to learn how to create personalized greeting cards, invitations, posters or t-shirts and more?
- Do you want to learn to design your own marketing materials such as business cards or letterhead?
- Do you want to add fun quotations to one of your photographs and post it online– aka create MEME’s?
- Do you want to learn more about fonts and text and clever or unique ways of tweaking them?
- Are you interested in creating visually appealing layouts that will allow you to create anything you can imagine?
This course is specifically designed and paced to give you easy entry into the incredibly useful and increasingly important world of creating great layouts using Adobe Photoshop and all of it’s wonderful built in tools of the trade.
Photoshop isn’t just for making pictures look good. It has a vast set of tools for the designer in you and you can access and create more than you may have dreamed of right there. Charr will explain what you need to know with great visuals, great exercises and fun assignments all using simple, clear terms. By the time you leave this course you’ll be able to use pictures, drawings or clip art to create great layouts and graphic designs you can be proud of. Charr will show you how to think like the pros so you can create your own personalized, custom layouts using the amazing tools right in Photoshop. You’ll be working hands-on in a variety of course projects designed to teach you:
- Compositional basics– the Elements and Principles of Design
- How to use Smart Objects
- File sizing and why it matters
- The meaning and emotion of Color
- The magical helpful Rulers
- Working with Layers and Layer Styles
- Fonts, text and the amazing Character Palette (and where to find cool fonts and dingbats)
- Adding Graphics (and Clip Art– where to find it, how to use it)
- Adding and creating your own custom Brushes and Shapes
- How to create boxes, circles and borders.
- You will learn the foolproof way to prep a file for the web so it’s perfectly suited for all your online and social media needs.
Charr will teach you foundational elements along with ideas, inspirations, and the practical hands-on experience using specific tools that will bring you freedom to create and put you right on the path to creating your own unique layouts that can turn into greeting cards or anything you want that needs to be printed– on paper, on fabric and more.
This course, Graphic Design & Layout, is specifically intended for the non-designer. Design is really just a bunch of shapes, colors and how it all fits together to create a pleasing arrangement. And learning how to use the tools is just a demonstration and hands-on experience away is not only fun but it brings the freedom of customizing whatever you are working on right into your own hands.
Do you have any questions? Email Charr at
If you have any questions about this workshop or any others Charr is teaching please don’t hesitate to contact Charr.
Phone: 916-672-8423
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