Each of these photos was made using my iPhone. Whether you are photographing news events, vacation or nature photos, family and friends, or product pictures just a little bit of know-how will take you to the next level– all using your camera phone in ways you may not even have known you could. And it’s fun!
The Mighty Mighty iPhone– Photo & Video
Photos and videos are a vital part of marketing in this bustling online social media age. You need them not only for your website but for Facebook, twitter, Pinterest to name a few. Getting pictures and videos online means you can reach a wider audience and interest them in what you offer.
Do you need to create great visuals for you business? Photos and videos are a cinch to create and I can prove it. Let me help you make the most of one of the greatest business tools to come along in decades— the iPhone. If you’re an entrepreneur then you’re all about helping people right? And to help them you have to get their attention. One important key to getting attention is great visuals in the realm of self-promotion for your business. We definitely need to hire a pro to do some stuff– like pro head shots. But some things may not require a pro at all– just a little know-how and your iPhone– and that’s what this class is all about. AND best of all it’s really fun!
So what if you had the power right in your own hands to create fun, smart and effective visuals yourself? If you use an iPhone you already have what you need right at hand and this class teaches you exactly how to use it! This class is specifically geared towards people in any kind of business who may struggle with getting great pictures. All businesses need to promote what they do and using your iPhone to make effective photos of your clients, your products, your events will open up a new world of creativity that’s not just fun but it’s surprisingly easy to do too!
An iPhone is a powerful tool to create self-promotion images and videos you can post on your website, on all social media platforms in the form of pictures or memes and videos, which can help your business be top-of-mind with your clients and prospects. Some of you already know a lot, some of you know nothing. I’ve talked to many people at events who don’t know how to record themselves, or record others, they’re not sure how to take a good photo, crop a photo, put text on a photo, or even how to just make a picture look good in general. And what about making videos aka movies? The iPhone has a powerful video capabilities too! In fact, the video above is an example of what you can do with a little know-how. All the photos were shot on my iPhone and the video was created entirely with an iPhone app. You can do this too!
Even if you’re not tech savvy that’s okay! I understand technology can sometimes be very confusing to some people. I love technology. I love apps! I love my iPhone! My goal is to help you understand the power of this amazing tool that’s already right in your hands and how it can help you in your business and make more money. Because when you get more personal and show with pictures or videos what goes on in your business you’re going to be relating to your audience better. You can save yourself loads of time and money and have great visuals to tell people all about who you are and what you do in your business. You have your phone, you’re at your event, you’re with your business more than anyone. Who knows better than you what you are about and what you do? This class is for entrepreneurs who need to know how to make great photos fast and easy of people, places or products— all with an iPhone.
So whether you think you know enough about your iPhone or not I bet there are things I can show you in day one of this two series workshop that will make a difference. Don’t underestimate what you could potentially learn around photos.
I am a professional photographer and this is what I do. I take pictures for high level clients. On my job I carry around loads of big bulky cameras, lenses and equipment, which is great for doing the jobs I do, BUT I can do many great photos with my iPhone these days! Some of my clients even ask for that from me so they can enjoy the immediacy the iPhone offers too in the realm of capturing events that can be posted in seconds to all manner of social media sites. I can get the word out fast in pictures and show clients what is happening right now– with my iPhone. You can do the same thing. You can save a lot of money with photography– family photos or events or business photos if you just learn some new things about the power of your iPhone. I’m telling you it works! Pictures and posting helps you keep you and your business top of mind even when you are not marketing a specific product or a service.
I will show you how to see light, teach you about composition, demystify the built-in tools of the camera and clarify what you need to know to use your iPhone to make photos good enough to promote your business anytime, anywhere! You’ll also learn how to add text to photos and my very favorite go-to apps to do it like the pros. Read more about each class below.
The Mighty Mighty iPhone– for Photographs
This class focuses squarely on capturing photographs using the iPhone to take good pictures, use apps to enhance and improve them and add text to them. (Yes, it works for android users too, though I do demonstrate using my iPhone.)
Highlights include:
- An in-depth Companion Guide with step-by-step tutorials on apps used in class
- The Magical World of Natural Light
- The Art of Visual Storytelling – How to see the world around you and capture it!
- The Device – Tips and Tricks
- The Photo Safari – Assignment list and follow up feedback on the pictures you captured while on Safari
- The Wonderful World of Apps – Demonstration and Hands On Learning Experience with a few of Charr’s favorite go-to apps for personal use or to create effective marketing pieces for your business
- You will also be added to a Private Facebook Group just for workshop participants where you can share your pictures, get feedback and ask questions.
- A live group class via webinar prior to class and a follow-up live webinar too!
- Access to the Private Facebook group.
Class requirements: A camera phone with a working camera and texting capability. Students will be furnished with a list of apps to have pre-installed prior to class.
The Mighty Mighty iPhone– for Video
This second class in the series focuses squarely on making videos using the iPhone and three specific apps that will allow you to create movies/videos. Take this class if you are already familiar with iPhone photography. Highlights include:
- Tips and Tricks for capturing great video of people and events using the iPhone.
- Understanding the built in video capabilities in your iPhone — when to use which option and why
- Recording interviews and testimonials with good audio
- The Wonderful World of Apps – Demonstration and Hands On Learning Experience with three of Charr’s favorite go-to video editing apps for personal use or to create effective marketing pieces, aka movies, for your business or personal projects
- You will also be added to a Private Facebook Group just workshop participants where you can share your pictures, get feedback and ask questions.
- A mid-week live group webinar follow up (time and call in info given during class
Class requirements: A camera phone with a working camera. Students will be furnished with a list of apps to have pre-installed prior to class.
The next live video class is going to be early in 2017. If you have questions, want to work one on one with Charr or are interested in a special group course scheduled just for you (minimum six people) please contact Charr direct via email at charr@me.com or call her at 916-672-8423.