Music Circus 2013, now on poster #58

I just completed #58.  Amazing isn’t it!  What began as a fun way to show I had some photos that the cast might like for self promotion turned into it’s own big thing and never stopped. Sugar is #58!SUGAR POSTER CHARR CRAIL

Creating these posters is no small feat.  What I do is no secret because here’s the finished product for all to see.  But the timing and the details of it is what’s interesting to me.

Here is how it goes.  I shoot the Music Circus Live Dress Rehearsals on a Monday night.  Shooting thousand of photos is typical too.  There is such amazing action going on I never want to miss a single thing so I’m quite breathless by the end.  I also try to be sure to get everyone in the show, which could mean anywhere from 20-35 people or so!

I turn around a nicely selected “edit” of the pictures by 1pm the next day then back home for the next round.  Just 24 hours later, on Wednesday, I design and create a poster.  For the past nine years now I have created a poster from each show and get them signed by the cast.  It’s quite a collection at this point!  Maybe I am a bit crazy but I actually try to get every single cast member onto the poster.  This has cost me more hours than I want to say in design and selection time because I rarely have a list and just have to go through the photos and figure out who’s there.   Often people, especially ensemble, play several different roles and the costume changes, wig changes, role changes, yikes!

Mostly everyone is happy to see what I’ve done but not always.  Sometimes they hate the photo I choose, and I hear about it.  But no one tells me face to face with the exception of The Feather Duster in Beauty and The Beast who loudly told me she was the ONLY one left off the poster.  It was my first show, my first poster and I had no idea what I was doing really.  I just thought I was putting together a group of photos for an overall view of the show.  Not necessarily true for the cast so Feather Duster taught me something invaluable.  Turns out that getting on the poster has become a really big deal so I do my best to accommodate.  beauty and the beast poster charr crailI make mistakes now and then and have to switch stuff out or add stuff in but thats ok!  I still love doing them.  The hardest part is coming up with a new design each time or at least some new variation.  Then it’s coming up with a defining image of a character, then placement and whatever tedious technical design factors that arise.  It’s a labor of love indeed, 58 strong and growing!

The first two shows of this Music Circus 2013 season were The Wizard of Oz WOZ POSTER CHARR CRAIL SHOWBOAT POSTER CHARR CRAILand Showboat.  Next week begins The King and I and the season finishes off with Chicago.  Stay tuned because I will share those posters as well.

Want to see more?  You can see a vast number of them at this link on my Photo Shelter site.  

The current ones aren’t there yet but will be soon.

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About charr

Charr Crail is a Northern California photographer and artist with an avid passion for creating unique digital imagery. Charr, a full-time freelance photographer, spans the divide between photojournalism and extraordinary art via photography and can trace back her evolution as an photographer/artist from three dominant sources. Her father made his living as a newspaper photographer and as soon as he could, was taking young Charr, then four, on assignments to capture a lifetime of experiences and images. He instilled a sense of adventure and curiosity in her as they would often meander down unknown country roads of the South – just to see and capture what was out there. Soon after, Charr would develop her eye for photography and journalism as “the river that runs through everything she does”. Charr’s mother blessed her daughter with the ability to appreciate art in its various mediums. Further, her mother was able to pass along the joy, satisfaction and excitement one can experience in actively creating something beautiful. It’s no surprise, then, that Charr would become a photojournalist and later a photo editor spanning two decades working for Northern California publications including The Sacramento Bee. Often, her assignments would include community events with a “close to home” theme woven into every image and story she captured. Her photojournalistic experience has therefore been nuanced through everything she produces. She’s also drawn to the wonder of color and the beauty that can be found in the composure of a face and the make-up of the human bodyscape. Charr has won countless awards for masterful pieces including; the Professional Photographers of America LOAN Collection for two consecutive years, WPPI Grand Award and her work has been featured in the Di Rosa Museum in California’s beautiful Napa Wine Region and is also part of the permanent collection. Separately, she instructs digital photography workshops that teach students how to blow out the creativity of their photography in simple methods using programs like Adobe Photoshop and how to market using mobile devices-- Visual Content Creation using Mobile Devices.. Charr lives in Sacramento with her husband Chris and kitties Leeloo and Sadie.

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